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Morningside Doodles is located in the rolling hills of Southern Wisconsin just outside of Madison, Wisconsin. This small 25 acre farm-ette is a former dairy farm and is also home to Morningside Gardens, which creates and sells daylily varieties as well as pumpkins. Our home is surrounded by crop fields and our dogs take daily romps through the fields. Our parent dogs have been carefully and lovingly raised from puppies and evaluated for temperament, genetic and physical soundness. We have 4 breeding dogs, a rescue dog, and 4 cats. This farm has been in our family for 2 generations and Sonja's parents own a larger farm just up the road. We house our dogs and pups in a remodeled Dairy Barn and all pups are whelped in my home.  Pups are in a heated room with their mothers and dogs are able to roam indoors and out freely with access to fresh water. Pups are handled and loved daily and kept immaculately clean.  Our dogs are our family, and it is our hope our pups will be some of the best companions you have ever had! Sincerely, Sonja Jensen, Owner. 

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